What Have You Done

For You Lately?

Deep, deep radical, nourishing self and health care for Black Women

who are tired of being tired and want to learn how prioritise joy, health,

and wellness in their lives.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you put YOURSELF at the top of YOUR ‘to do list’? When was the last time you put your physical and mental well-being front and centre of your life?

When did you last stop doing and start BEING?

 In short, what have you done for YOU lately?

If the answer is a resounding never or you can’t remember, then you need to change that, and I can help you!

you will learn…

  • Why Selfcare is Healthcare and a non-negotiable for black women.

  • How to incorporate regular movement into your life that you want to do.

  • How to nourish and fuel your body with wholesome cultural foods that you recognise and want to eat.

  • To practice gratitude and learn why being STILL is not selfish, but necessary for our physical and mental health.

  • How to establish the best possible sleep hygiene practices so that you wake up refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • How to treat yourself and schedule in nice things that are just for you

Price: £99

You can pay in 2 instalments (£50 x 2 instalments = £100)