My Story - After9 Lifestyle

My Story

I created After9 Fitness, 12 years ago (Nine months after birth hence the name). I was tired of not being able to find any information on how to heal after having a baby and wanted to provide solutions to help solve problems that many mothers face in the postnatal period.

A lot has changed since then…

After9 Fitness has grown into After9 Lifestyle, a modern women’s health, beauty and lifestyle brand that predominately serves the 40+ women with an ageless mindset.

My Story - After9 Lifestyle

I am big on inclusion, positive ageing and visual representation of black women who have often felt ignored, misunderstood, or simply not been represented in the women’s health and wellness world.

We aim to right that wrong by listening, supporting, and informing you about issues that matter to you along with a healthy dose of fun and enjoyment thrown in.

I wanted to create a platform that supported women of all races with issues from pre and postnatal concerns through to menopause.

We also host amazing, immersive, premium lifestyle experiences that normalise luxury and emphasise the message that radical self-care is Health Care!

30-years of experience working in Public Relations as a former celebrity publicist & 10-years working as a Women’s Health Coach

I don’t see ageing as a negative I see it as a plus making us extra wise, seasoned, and spicy - let’s face it nobody wants to be bland and boring. I can’t wait to build a community with you all and show the world that ageing never looked this good before.
